Section euro Maths / Anglais

Exercices > Geometry

1 - Construct triangle ABC where BC = 4.5cm, AC = 6cm and AB = 7.5cm. What do you notice about your triangle ? Prove this result.

- With a ruler I draw the segment [AB] which is 7.5cm long.
a segment AB
- Then with my compasses, I draw an arc with centre A and radius 6cm.
a segment AB with a circle arc
- I draw an arc with centre B and radius 4.5cm. The two arcs intersect at C.
a segment AB with a circle arc
- The triangle ABC seems to be a right angle triangle, let's prove this result.
First we calculate the sum of the two squares : AC² + BC² = 56.25
We compare this result to AB² = 56.25
They are equal so we can apply Pythagora's theorem to conclude that ABC is a right angle triangle.

2 - A rectangle is 6 metres longer than it is wide. The rectangle has an area of 135 m². Write and solve an equation to find the dimensions of the rectangle.

First we describe the situation with a pattern.
Let L be the length and W be the width.

The rectangle is 6 metres longer than it is wide so L = 6 + W.
The area of the rectangle is 135 m² so L.W = 135.
We substitute 6 + W for L in the previous equation and we have a quadratic equation :
(6 + W).W = 135.
Then we multiply out brackets and collect the terms on one side.
W² + 6W -135 = 0.
The discriminant of this equation is : Δ = 6² -4.(-135) = 576 = 24².
It's positive so we have two real solutions which are : W' = -15 and W'' = 9.
Or W is a length so it can't be negative and then W = 9.
Now we substitute 9 for W in the equality L = 6 + W and we work out the length L = 15.

The dimensions of the rectangle are 9 metres by 15 metres.

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